About Us

Who are we?
Tim Keech trained as an economist and worked in consultancy before founding MRKT Insights. He works with clubs and ownership groups looking to find competitive advantages.
Twitter: @sbunching
Ram Srinivas is a computer scientist and co-founder of MRKT Insights. He specialises in turning data (Wyscout, Opta, Statsbomb) into meaningful insights for recruitment and is an expert in EFL recruitment.
Twitter: @rramesss
Matt Lawrence has a background in technical consultancy and co-founded MRKT Insights. He builds models that allow us to compare playing styles, stylisitcly analyse players, and measure managerial impact.
Twitter: @PannasNutmegs
Kevin Elphick is a software systems analyst and co-founder of MRKT Insights. He develops the front ends of our systems including our player search models.
Twitter: @SwansAnalytics
Andy McGregor is a full partner in MRKT and is our specialist global scout. He works closely with our clients providing expert knowledge of the global game.
Twitter: @elpivoteftbl
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